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A Gallery of Visual Delights

Visual arts is a central component of the Success Academy curriculum: it allows our scholars to explore, take creative risks, and engage meaningfully with the world around them. Every year, they amaze us with their vivid imaginations, thoughtful self-expression, and radiant talent. On Monday, families, scholars, and teachers gathered at the 2018 Visual Arts Showcase, held at the Agora Gallery in Chelsea, to view and celebrate selected pieces from across the network.


The art on display was sensational, but it represents just a fraction of the outstanding work that Success Academy scholars have produced all year. Thank you to our visual arts team, for sparking and cultivating creativity and passion through a rich curriculum and daily love and encouragement; to our families, for supporting your children’s pursuit of the arts; and to our scholars, for sharing with all of us your unique and inspiring vision of the world!

To see more photos from the showcase, visit our Facebook Page!


Written by Success Academy May 24, 2018

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